Sat, 23 March 2019
Go around it.
Be kind to yourself. Dont wait for the perfect candidate, perfect opportunity or perfect idea.
Once you go around and obsticle and you make them pointless they're often happy to help you - making it appear you've walked in a straighter line that you have for an outsiders. dont compare yourself to others because you dont know the detours they have made to get it done. Focus on progress, and what's working and what is. not others and how you think it "should be" Primilary ask yourself what can you DO, instead of listening to the sceptics in your head? dont worry about what others think or say if you're not starting by enrolling the top candidate. Few succesful people did when they started. We just fool ourselves by comparing thinking everyone else had it easier to change things that we do. Usually they did not but invested effort anyone eventually making it.
Direct download: its_OK_to_Start_Not_Optimal_Not_Perfect_to_go_around_Auphonic.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 11:16am GMT |