Sun, 15 January 2023
machines are talking - are you listening? I try to have these cast mostly timeless, and less timely but I’ve gotten so much machine-learning & AI questions lately and I thought I should share a perspective I don’t hear that often. The thing I believe we underestimate is the “Explain like talking to a five year old” combined with the relentlessness of machines and scripts.
Now we can have our email to ten people be automatically rewritten in transport to the sugsegment of those groups. Perhaps this time it created three copies and sent the one most maching the communication profile of the recipient. This will be so effective since it can also help you follow-up “did it work” making each interaction more effective for both of you. It can help you stay in tune with the workculture. Perhaps help you with your priorities for better effect and outcome at work by not letting you send late night messages, or if you believe you have to let them arrive at your co-workers desk in the morning. Again these tools exist, however machinelearning make you never forget to match whats effective and appreciated by each recipient. Likewise if you go into Red Alert mode a la Star Trek, the machinelearning mod can temporarily overwrite that to instant say before a launch or similar, following up on the costs of doing so for you.
Be mindful of your use of them. Listen for what you are training them ON – its not just that you’re getting help, it’s a win-win-win where you don’t see the third party ever.
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