Results & Relationships

Probability & Meaningful Specific

Are you questioning how the three core components of probability, meaning, and specificity can be applied to the work you do?

Are you looking at how these three aspects drive your decisions, both intentionally and unintentionally? Are you taking the time to consider what the biggest impact of your work is, and how the probability, meaning, and specificity of your decisions will affect the outcome? Are you willing to put in the extra effort to ensure that you have the right focus and clarity to make the best decisions possible and accept the consequences - both good and bad - of those decisions?

Are you asking questions about above three in what you to those around you?

Are you asking yourself what goes into the heart or mind into whatever action, intentional or not from those around you based on this trio?

Take a minute and ask yourself on the biggest thing in your work right now. 

* Focusing on Probability - what shifts?

* in the meaning beyond the work you do - or asked to do?

* The specific - do you dare to make it small and specific enough so you can take credit if it works, or responsibility if it doesnt?

Quite often its scary to put ourselves on the line like this, but if we do dare, we learn faster and thus help others better

books mentioned:

Annie Duke - Thinking in bets

Direct download: Probability_Meaningful_Specific.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27pm BST