Results & Relationships

Remarkable Position and easy to say name change

It's been 8 years already with Relationship Power at work. Every week. Some of the early years it was more often.
Before that this pod was called "Levelup at work and ingame".
That's why the libsyn url is called gaming even if all those episodes are lost now due to my own newbie mistakes with an RSS feed change.

I've been wondering if we should rename this thing to Results & Relationship. What do you think oh most splendid of listener?

When I started our pod was primarily for computer leaders using the words direct, Relationship Power and such.
To figure out untrained empathy and relationships skills. Combined their already powerful data mojo. 
I myself hid behind computers for the longest time. That made me powerful in a lot of aspects and fearful in my many untrained areas.

Over the years I observed others, and myself struggle saying the phrase "Relationship Power at work"

Thus the intention with the name change is to making it easier to name this thing of ours. Its nothing bigger or more complicated than that. I'm sharing the process to help you see. Whatever you make it will also change as you learn more about it and those you serve. Getting started early embracing reality instead of staying in your head is critical. Im hoping sharing what I missed from starting helps unlock you. Free you to give whatever is rattling in your head a try.

Why Results first in the name?
I love that anyone can intentionally create results based on where they start in life. Independent where we currently are. Independent of what we where given we can all work on figuring out what we can give, create or teach.
its a lottery what relationship we get to start life with. its a choice what results we work hard and long for and what company we keep.
I love that results is an open way to healthy long-lasting relationships. You cant control relationships and the opening of doors. Yet you can control what you create and invest emotional labor into, and for whom's benefit.

Your reputation precedes you. Its nothing new but more urgent than ever with the ever-present machine learning.
Soon your results will be auto-presented in front of any person you meet via their AR devices. Of whoever you meet in real life by default. Even so before you get to chance to meet.

Your results is one of the most Key factors setting the options for who you get to build relationships with.
Its surely not the most important thing. Love, care & relationships are. Yet without results is hard to get the freedom to sustain that dream of yours and the dreams of those you care about.

Results. Done well and generous are also something others feel good about remarking on. Good for their own benefit (self image, status and possibilities) as well that remark benefitting their friend and you.

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