Mon, 6 November 2017
What’s YOUR style of play? This is not a quickfix/howto podcast harvesting on fear of loss, need for guarantees or checklist.
What’s YOUR style of play? This is not a quickfix/howto podcast harvesting on fear of loss, need for guarantees or checklist. When I was a young leader of my first team I was desperately longing for a quick checklist to follow. Something that could guarantee if I followed its guidance I’d be great manager … Continue reading What’s YOUR style of play? This is not a quickfix/howto podcast harvesting on fear of loss, need for guarantees or checklist.
Direct download: your_style_of_play-This_is_not_a_quick_how_to_podcastnor_fear_of_loss.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT |