Results & Relationships

I think we need to talk about YOUR status and it’s urgent we embrace the world we’re living in when it comes to status. Status


Status roles are at the core of who we are. They change how we spend our time, our money and most of all, our imaginations.


I think we’re getting confused of what status really means with “status updates” on platforms making most of us think someone else is getting a vacation regularly and here we are doing the dirty, hard work. Or comparing our efforts with the world’s top 1% unaware of all the effort and time they have invested into getting where they are.
or how platforms today use the word friend for anyone who’s a childhood friend just as much as someone who’s just following you because the great work you do, or just because the platform nudge-nudged you to accept it. OR thinking we’re part of a community when it’s just another platform. Real-life is not a blog, twitter or most platforms – yet surely community can be digital so how do we know?


Don’t spend your energy thinking about other people’s status versus yours. Try to be kind to yourself and constantly work towards more effort into doing the work that matters. The small work your future self will thank you for when you go to sleep tonight does A LOT more for your status than comparing ever will.


Quote: John P. Kotter

Because management deals mostly with the status quo and leadership deals mostly with change, in the next century we are going to have to try to become much more skilled at creating leaders.


I think it’s more urgent than ever that we become skilled at owning our OWN status and ignoring others as a comparison but embracing others status as part of driving the change we make.


IF we are so worried about our status that we don’t dare to learn, done dare to be a beginner don’t dare to make any mistakes we will not 100X results, because we’ll be busy maintaining the status quo. Both in our inner game, as well as out doing the work that matter in organisations.


Action now, small or big is the single best way to improve the status quo. And the more forward motion we make, the better we’ll get at figuring out what better looks like,  if it’s a good idea, if its helping or not. Status can be just a good block from learning, as it can be for enabling learning and better.

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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 11:12am GMT