Results & Relationships

Laser Focus

What are you focusing on right now?

So many of us imagine success as “having it all.”

While that may be true, the way to get there requires focus; giving up a lot of things, disappearing from the spotlight, and building that one thing that will be your contribution to the world--your legacy.

The first step to achieving something is figuring out what you want in the first place. And the more you think about it, the more you realize how much harder it actually is.

What is something that you like, love, and care for? What is something that you love doing so much that you can do it for the rest of your life?

What is something that you're willing to grow and flourish at the expense of momentarily saying no to so many things because it will take a lot of you to turn an idea into a reality?

Every success story begins with a decision to focus on one thing. Constrain how much you are doing at the moment to expand an idea that will have value five years from now, ten years from now. No one will see what you are building. They won’t understand why you're so driven at something or why you are saying “no” to them or to other opportunities.

It's challenging to say “no” because it's so easy to go with the flow, to get rewarded and recognized around people.

But when you start saying no, because you are laser focused on opportunities that align with your goal, you have more room to say yes to the things that matter. You have more energy and mind power to absorb everything that will further you in your direction.

Everything you do is connected. You grow from the right opportunities. You see things that busy people often look past.
Make your timeline something important here and now and you will build something exceptional for those you care about.



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