Sun, 23 January 2022
(I just realized I published this episode to my other podcast, Psychology & Cyber thus just uploading it here as a copy. Sorry for the delay and mistake on my side)
Ready is a choice, it not worth waiting for.
Whats worth being ready for?
Often Ready means too late. What would some early real life, real customer feedback mean for your work?
Direct download: Ready_is_a_choice_its_not_worth_waiting_for.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:08am GMT |
Sun, 23 January 2022
Remarkable Position and easy to say name change
I've been wondering if we should rename this thing to Results & Relationship. What do you think oh most splendid of listener? When I started our pod was primarily for computer leaders using the words direct, Relationship Power and such. Over the years I observed others, and myself struggle saying the phrase "Relationship Power at work"
Your reputation precedes you. Its nothing new but more urgent than ever with the ever-present machine learning. Your results is one of the most Key factors setting the options for who you get to build relationships with. Results. Done well and generous are also something others feel good about remarking on. Good for their own benefit (self image, status and possibilities) as well that remark benefitting their friend and you.
Direct download: Remarkable_Position_eventual_rename.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:04am GMT |