Sun, 31 December 2023
Direct download: 3Breaths-and-see-your-perspective-share-your-light.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21pm GMT |
Sun, 24 December 2023
This is the summary from the generos bot, in case you don't have time to listen in. explores the nuances and importance of disengagement in communication, especially over the phone. It emphasizes the need to recognize when the other person is not fully engaged and the significance of respecting oneself enough to disengage when necessary. The writer discusses the concept of active listening and creating space in conversations, not just filling it with one's own priorities. it touches on the broader implications of disengagement for personal work and relationships, advocating for clarity and respect for others' time and engagement levels. The piece concludes by reminding of the value of disengagement and self-respect in various aspects of life. |
Sun, 17 December 2023
if you prefer catching the summary from the generous bot instead of listening here it is:
USE ambiguity as a catalyst for personal growth and effective problem-solving, particularly in a fast-changing world. If you're NOT your not leveling up nearly as effective. Advocate for daring decision-making in ambiguous situations and using knowledge management tools to avoid repetitive errors and foster collective learning and progress. Please help others dare to embrace this too. |
Sun, 10 December 2023
Summarized by the generous bot. Think about your life, work and relationships in the terms "replaceable" and "irreplaceable parts". emphasizing the importance of recognizing which aspects of our lives and work are replaceable and which are not. Most material things and processes, including our roles at work, are replaceable, but certain aspects, particularly related to our perspective, time, and decisions, are not. The irreplaceable parts of our lives are largely defined by our perspectives and are not influenced by external opinions or societal norms. Tthe importance of relationships with family and friends, which are irreplaceable, unlike our replaceable roles at work. Reflect on your own life, identifying replaceable and irreplaceable parts, and to honour the latter to avoid losing what's most important. There's an emphasis on backing up irreplaceable items like photos in the digital space, illustrating the need to understand and protect what's truly ours in a world largely controlled by others. Focusing on the parts of our lives that we can change or influence, encouraging self-forgiveness and self-improvement in these areas. Its important to regularly reflect on and have conversations with others to help distinguish between replaceable and irreplaceable parts of in your life and theirs, from their perspective, ensuring we focus our energy and care on what truly matters. |
Sun, 3 December 2023
or doing experiments wrong? And some ABJ testing
Direct download: doing_the_wrong_experiment_or_doing_experiments_wrong_ABJ_testing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:48pm GMT |
Sun, 26 November 2023
Generously, a bot has summarised like this, so you can skip this episode if it's not what you want to listen to.
The speaker also touches on insecurity in product development, suggesting that accepting they exist and addressing insecurities leads to robust and impactful outcomes. Encourage embracing inconvenience and addressing hard questions to create long-term viable and significant work. Finally, the speaker advises listing and being specific about the various viability aspects to ensure that solutions serve their intended purpose effectively.
How can you dare to focus more on viable early and recurring? To make the meaningful specific as small as possible into the hands of a real user, a real customer or whoever you aim to help who also cares about getting that specific help - so you can learn what matters and quit what doesn't as fast as possible, with as little waste as possible. And especially waste that your future self doesn't thank you for because you were too rushed to cut corners to get to green today. |
Sun, 19 November 2023
The generous Autobot said this about today's episode it emphasises the importance of a collaborative, multiplayer mindset in adapting to the speed of technological advancements. It highlights the need to enhance processes across various aspects, not just individually. In the workplace, it urges reflection on how team members contribute to organisational success, considering their roles, learning speeds, and collaborative efforts. The piece also explores the difference between human and AI ideas, underlining the significance of cooperation in our rapidly advancing world. Historical misconceptions, like the flat earth theory, are cited to demonstrate how human understanding evolves slowly, advocating for openness to new ideas. The example of handwashing in surgery, which took decades for doctors to accept, illustrates human reluctance to embrace new concepts. Finally, the text poses a reflective question: if one isn't actively helping others learn and adapt to new technologies, are they truly participating in the collaborative environment knowledge management of today (multiplayer with async singleplayer threads), or are they isolated in the old ways of working (locked single-player mode) |
Sun, 12 November 2023
Sun, 5 November 2023
Personal sounding board in today's arena In today's fast-evolving landscape, choosing "your meaningful specific hard problem" and "your people" affected by it is crucial. Soft skills like empathy, understanding, and re-learning have always been essential. They are the core of this 10-year-old podcast, yet today, it's more important than ever. Way of working agile resistance from managers - that kind of transparency and owning what is committed and what not is hard Automation - SLA, KPI, OKR fulfilment. Often, I've encountered we don't want that automated since that would give conflicting reports with those PowerPoint where I've given myself some poetic freedom not to show all, to round a few metrics up for years, etc. Ask yourself what complex and challenging problem might be worth it and for whom we ask yourself a meaningful specific. You need to be precise; otherwise, you can't follow up if it's working for its intended outcome or if you're becoming better at solving this specific problem. Ask yourself this question. What happens when your Autobot instantly gives time back to your boss or client You can ask any meaningful, specific question about any problem like this from many perspectives. Perhaps your client is forward-orienting and Happy to let go of sunk cost. Asking yourself questions like this, with empathy and daring to choose a whom, daring to choose a what, daring to ask ourselves, does it work great for those we aim to help?
Direct download: Personal_Sounding_Board_choose_your_hard_problem_and_your_people_who_care_about_that_problem.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm GMT |
Sun, 29 October 2023
Direct download: What_are_you_going_to_do_with_that_AI_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47pm GMT |
Sun, 22 October 2023
Sun, 15 October 2023
There is likely a third more effort, cost, and risk than you perceive and accept. Are you holding space for this? If not, is it worth pursuing? |
Sun, 8 October 2023
Direct download: re-keying_our_shared_reality-collaboration_with_Autobot_AIs_Digital_Twins_and_people.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:50pm GMT |
Sun, 24 September 2023
Peer pressure during our school years often leads to groupthink, causing us to lose our identity in the quest to fit in. Growing up, for me, it rarely led to anyone's elevation. Instead, it taught me to hide and remain within the margins. However, the right kind of pressure, combined with a peer, cohort, any group of choice or a mentor's keen observation, can profoundly impact. When we and those we care about hold us accountable for our actions and words, helps us see what we said we would and show us our wants. It helps us to stand up for our beliefs consistently in what we do and say. You become a reflection of the company you keep. You directly mirror the expectations of your peer group. |
Mon, 18 September 2023
EVERYTHING you do in your work is, from other people's perspectives, a movable part.
It's a wonderfully powerful constraint if embraced, yet often we're surprised by it. |
Sun, 10 September 2023
thinking out loud on how do you approach thinking about the unthinkable? |