Results & Relationships (Podcast Episodes)
Embrace your draft: responsibly & publicly Dont hide behind a draft, make it real. Dont hide behind perfect, share your draft. Ship something today that will help someone else. This episode is actually two episodes. One the one listed here, and behind it, after it. The one I recorded first, then felt was not worthy … Continue reading Embrace your draft: responsibly & publicly

Effects of having a contingency plan BEFORE you need it What’s a contingency plan for you? For me it’s all about maintaining the ability to execute effectively. Its easy to get lost in agreements, SLA:s, technology or just the mental idea confusing “keeping busy” with what is actually generating results. When you are starting business … Continue reading Effects of having a contingency plan BEFORE you need it

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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Encourage, Encourage, Encourage – don’t punish instead be clear and positive about the future Encouragement is mightier than compliance long-term. Try to catch yourself whenever you get carried away in frustration, or anger this is just your short-term behaviour that most often will hurt the long term potential. The alternative cost of you venting your … Continue reading Encourage, Encourage, Encourage – don’t punish instead be clear and positive about the future

Exponential results ways to get that 1% behavior that yields 99% of your result Seneca said “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity” – Are YOU ready for opportunity with 99 times your current results AND saving your most scarce resourse, time, while embracing it? Does Routine Really Help Us Get to Our Goals? … Continue reading Exponential results – ways to get that 1% behavior that yields 99% of your result

Seeing things from others, zoomed-out perspective. Clients perspectives, your customers perspective and your own perspective.   Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.  Quote Albert Einstein We often get so entangled with the people around us that we sometimes forget  that no-one else ever align with us … Continue reading Seeing things from others, zoomed-out perspective.

Doves & Hawks, Relationship Power and the Fast, Connected Economy or the Curves of Evolution in the Fast Instant Access Connected Economy   Doves and hawks are both adorable species. And we can learn from them as well especially for the early managers. What would you like to become? A hawk? Or a dove? Why … Continue reading Doves & Hawks, Relationship Power and the Fast, Connected Economy

Know your people – and some thoughts on KPIs, metrics and measurements ..or Key Metrics Performance Indicators when the order to “Round Down Cost” inevitably comes This is a managers’s guide on leveraging key metrics on getting to know their people effective behaviour better. This will also help you improve your relationship at work by … Continue reading Know your people – and some thoughts on KPIs, metrics and measurements

Behaviour Follows Assumptions – You become the company you keep The power of the group you surround yourself with are strong. Imagine positive intent. Do you surround yourself with people who imagine the positive intent of others? I’m asking yourself right now – who comes to mind that does that? Do you draw blank? Does … Continue reading Behaviour Follows Assumptions – You become the company you keep

How to Create a Deeper Relationship with Your Online Audience with Cliff Ravenscraft “We have the power within ourselves to literally change the world.” – Cliff In this episode, we will learn about how to create a powerful and positive impact to your online audience. Cliff will talk about how to deepen your relationship with … Continue reading How to Create a Deeper Relationship with Your Online Audience with Cliff Ravenscraft

Freedom can best be created before you need it – leaving that choice to others will make you a commodity. The Digital Era In these fast paced, digital era, most of the things that we do has an equivalent of a software or app that makes things easier for us. It’s scary and wonderful at … Continue reading Freedom can best be created before you need it – leaving that choice to others will make you a commodity.

Intention and Attention Train in guarding your attention. It’s the lifeblood of all of us. If we’re mindful of our attention we choose if we should feel inspired or judged by another person’s comments, behaviour or achievements. Your awareness about yourself is what makes you get energy or loose it whenever you see that carrot … Continue reading Intention and Attention
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Go Beyond your muscle failure.  Build your business and character like a personal trainer. Go Beyond yourself often towards muscle failure. That’s the only time growth happen. Power speed reading, comfort zone extending, processes, group development anything. if you find yourself succeeding most of the time take bigger steps, if not then take smaller steps … Continue reading Go Beyond your muscle failure. Build your business and character like a personal trainer.
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

My weird honors your weird The bell curve has changed thanks to the internet, the connection economy and “near instant access” to most things. It’s easier than ever before to make an impact, to help people beyond the horizon. When I grew up we all tried to conform to the same norm. Marketing was loud … Continue reading My weird honours your weird
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Take your positions – Who do you want to help and why? There is a reason why the instructions tell you to put on the air mask on yourself FIRST: Before helping your kid, friend or co-worker. Without Air, you will quickly forget the long-term priorities, and you can make things worse while you’re unable … Continue reading Take your positions – Who do you want to help and why?
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:03am GMT

Tension, Empathy & Sympathy – Responsibility from different perspectives Empathy. Seeing the perspective of others. Walking in someone else’s shoes. Dare to face the unknown of the minds of those around you. Dare to embrace that they might think you’re wrong. They might be right, and you’re not. Embracing that you’re having an impact on … Continue reading Tension, Empathy & Sympathy – Responsibility from different perspectives
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Exciting times – What’s exciting for you might not be exciting for someone else We’re living in exciting times. I’m sure every generation before me has said the same words, felt the same.  What I’m thinking on right now specifically is the instant auto feedback we’ve got available for becoming better. Live feedback in our … Continue reading Exciting times – What’s exciting for you might not be exciting for someone else
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Why are you doing this? Why High Standards help you – Why Commitment increase attention   Quite often I get the question “why do you do this?” Some talk about “why the commitment on consistency” others “why for free when you have people who are thankful for the opportunity to  pay you for your knowledge … Continue reading Why are you doing this? Why High Standards help you – Why Commitment increase attention
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Throughput thoughts Some thoughts on intention and results, and the passage required to archive it. This is high and low, tech and people. I guess some people would call it random ramblings. Some thoughts on email/phone/video/actual meeting Phone thumbs throughput and making replies easy and effective. Delegation, effect and not being superman. Or that if … Continue reading Throughput thoughts
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Full Contact play with your Anti-thesis Get the habit of embracing an anti-thesis to your belief every now and then to deepen your learning on your topic, or that it’s time to leave while “on top” Perhaps get together over dinner with some mastermind friends on a yearly basis and ask everyone to bring a … Continue reading Full Contact play with your Anti-thesis

Right now forces are gathering to make you a commodity. It already happened all around you. Uber, Spotify, Travel-agents etc. The middleman is cut out and a proxy service is censoring out everything that doesn’t adapt. In the consultant nice, we have consultant brokers, offshore resources and a lot of things helping clients get their … Continue reading thoughts on becomming a commodity and choosing your position

When presenting a week back I got the question by a person in the audience on any advice in becoming awarded by eWork just like I did. (ework awarded me Consultant of year 2013) My reply was a recommendation to not chase awards. Instead focus on working towards excellence at your chosen trade. Focus on … Continue reading Race don’t chase – some thoughts on awards

Mind your attitude – let go of labels I believe you, me and most of us need to constantly remind yourself before the mindset becomes the new normal for us, the new natural. When you start to take action your mind will resist, will encourage you in all sorts of ways to step aside, to … Continue reading Mind your attitude – let go of labels
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

The Power of a Delta.txt file of how things should and could be When you’re starting new, for example at a new site, new employer or anything you’re in a golden situation to see the patterns in the workplace with a fresh eye. Perhaps you’re noting that everyone is walking across the river to collect … Continue reading The Power of a Delta.txt file of how things should and could be
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Simple – not easy   Simple and Easy is not the same ting yet I find that over the years most people confuse the too, sometimes myself included. We want easy yet we already know the recipe for what we want is simple. Rarely is it as easy as an instant success because if that … Continue reading Simple – not easy
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Gratefulness & Respect – your choice of words matter Gratefulness serves you in so many ways beyond here and now. Let is invigor you with energy and joy that benefits others too. Let it give you a forward motion for what you have not yet accomplished but will be done with before today is done. … Continue reading Gratefulness & Respect – your choice of words matter
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

  You don’t need a big chunk of time to start. Are you sure you’re not waiting and wasting valuable time investments. In essence, are you stuck in the prelude to your own life? Its easy that Works becomes the main chapters in our book, when in reality you CAN build something small steps by … Continue reading Your Life is not a prologue, don’t wait, the time is now
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Digital Connections, and the power of the system and our emotions of feeling connected. Right now we’re attention flooded. Many use systems to keep up with friends. We no longer use DIRECT-CONNECTION to most things we depend on today. Despite we know that face-to-face meeting delivers the most metadata in our discussion, with a loss … Continue reading Digital Connections, and the power of the system and our emotions of feeling connected.

There is a message for you everywhere. If you’re looking for it you’ll always find a lesson, anywhere, at all times, from everyone   If you’re actively looking for it, I also believe people around you will bloom in areas unexpected. Helping both you and them connect better AND get more done. Are you listening?
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

You become the company you keep Another way of saying it is “you are the average of the X people you spend the most time with.” I believe WHO you invest the most of your time with is the most important decision of your life. In the right company most things seem easy. Often you … Continue reading You become the company you keep

Time is your most precious investment – become aware   Where you invest your time, and furthermore WHO you invest your time with is the most important decision in your life. It affects everything. The impact you will have on this world, your health and achievements just to name a few. Life if full of … Continue reading time is your most precious investment – become aware
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Listen for what is not said + John Lee Dumas Entrepreneurs on Fire second Kickstarter How often do you actively listen for what is NOT being said? Focus on what the data is saying, not the highest talker Focus on what the body is doing, instead of the head is saying Focus on your intended … Continue reading Listen for what is not said + John Lee Dumas Entrepreneurs on Fire second Kickstarter

We’re in an Age of Instant Access and Connection Analytics – food for thoughts Instant Access to so many things today, and yet more is coming every day. How does that affect relationship building and the power to help more people get what they want? Today most of us live in a connection economics economy. … Continue reading Age of Instant Access and Connection Analytics

 Meta-Memory, Meta-Me – Self-confusion and Clarity,  Psychosynthesis & Imagery Exercises   Some say our Memory is “us”, that we are the core of what we remember. Your achievements, friends who has always been there for you and the people, activities and things you love. Study after study prove we can’t trust our memory. Yet most … Continue reading Meta-Memory, Meta-Me – Self-confusion and Clarity, Psychosynthesis & Imagery Exercises

It’s wonderful living in the world of Instant Access like we’re doing right now. And Virtual Reality can really help build a connection to the individuals around us , but we also have to remember to build live connections around us. If we don’t really “need” anyone since we get everything delivered tailored to us … Continue reading Age of Access, Virtual Reality and Digital_Twins

Nobody owes you is a mindset that often helps us build better relationships. Owning how we respond and act to feelings that emerge within us will change your life trajectory more than anything. Complaining about someone else getting a promotion that you long for won’t make your own results any better. Ask yourself instead if … Continue reading Nobody owes you is a mindset that often helps us build better relationships

Connection is a feeling – Christmas and other Rare activities   Most often its thru feeling we connect to people. And what we connect to in a story is most often individually. I’ve had people come up to me after a talk saying they appreciated my show of vulnerability, others from the exact same words … Continue reading Connection is a feeling – Christmas and other Rare activities

Talking about performance to make behaviours more effective with authenticity and without acting   Performance, when we’re taking on an act we are really distancing ourselves from people. It’s the total opposite from connecting with people. Yet, during the 20+ years I’ve attended leadership classes there’s always some that wants the quick-check list as if … Continue reading Talking about performance, behaviours and effect

Gratitude for others no? Benefits of making it easy for others to say no. Embracing reality for a new, more effective way   I deeply believe in focusing on the one thing until success (quote from my friend John Lee Dumas) and I’ve had multiple casts about the power of saying no. Say no, guarding … Continue reading Gratitude for others no? Benefits of making it easy for others to say no.

VR – Virtual Reality means business of Generosity, might even help move away from Self-centredness I believe the most common way to major success is helping others. Letting go of that self-centredness that envelop us all when we are in deep stress for example. And I’m sure you feel that it’s not distributed equally around … Continue reading Virtual Reality means business of Generosity, might even help move away from Self-centredness

Virtual Reality effects on Business and relationship building Corporations invests enormous amounts of “could have been results” into meetings, and most of those are over the phone, web conferences and other semi-virtual ways to connect. Globalisations have increased this way of working even more. At the same time, most of us are aware of the … Continue reading Virtual Reality effects on Business and relationship building

Help-Others and Self-Help I often think about how come the amount of teachings around “Helping Others” is not anything near the amount of exposure of people, method and processes to “Self-Help”. When I looked at Categories in two different Quote-Sites I found 300 “Helping Others” Quotes and 4000 for “Self-Help”. Likewise when I shopped digital … Continue reading Help-Others and Self-Help
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Your way is understandable   Sometimes it feels hard to accept the method of path taken by someone else. Accept their way, their reasoning. Doesn’t mean you have to accept the results OR hurts or thinks you see in your perspective along their way, along their path, along your projection of their path. That’s the … Continue reading Your way is understandable

Attention Waste – Is Your Time Investments and efforts making a difference for the better? The most brilliant minds of our era invests their time and attention in creating better and better clickbait to get everyone else to invest time and attention “ON” their clickbait and the tracking trail it generates in pursue of revenue. … Continue reading Attention Waste – Is Your Time Investments and efforts making a difference for the better?

Information wants to be free That is one of the “Alternatives” to the info, status or just Social talk you are having right now.   Another way of seeing it is, consider this the “alternative cost” in what you COULD have compared to what you might be getting right now.   Notice the difference when … Continue reading Information wants to be free

Relationship Power and other Powers Relationship Power. Role Power. Authority Power. Situational powers. Accidental powers. Temporary powers. Don’t let unawareness put other in powerful situations for you. Don’t forget that there is most often a COST for you when using a power. For example if you forget that it’s your responsibility to ensure you have … Continue reading Relationship Power and other Powers
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Speed determines the value of almost EVERYTHING value, and every connection Everything has a game window, everyone you talk or don’t talk to. Everything you do or don’t do. Time to Market. Start backwards from when its needed, not from when its “possible” to start. Learning to speak before or after a visiting a country … Continue reading Speed determines the value of almost EVERYTHING value, and every connection
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Turning Visible – creating trust A small talk on how sometimes trying to hide something makes a crater for all to see, making it harder to see who we really are beyond it. sometimes helping too much or too little makes us less visible, Making it harder to connect to the work that matters. Making … Continue reading Turning Visible – creating trust
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Seek to invest most of your time with Grateful Action takers   You’re really the average of the five people you spend the most time. Who you spend your time with is one of the most important decisions to keep up with in your life. Your time is the only resouce you cant get more … Continue reading Seek to invest most of your time with Grateful Action takers
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Embraceing your Potential consists of a lot of things, below is just a few of them. I personally dont think it matters where you start though, as long as you start thinking about it, start acting to become it. This cast is dedicated to exploring your potential from these angles.   Imagination is often the … Continue reading Embraceing your Potential
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Own your results – own your communication often talk about “communication is what the listener does”. So what does this mean for you? For me it means that if I dont get the behaviour or effect I want there is NO point in ever saying “I’ve told you before”. If I’m not getting what … Continue reading Own your results – own your communication

Refueling others Where does your fuel and generator of energy align with those around you? What does those around you get fuel from and how can you help them get more of it without it costing others? is that energy constantly renewing or does it drain out for you or those around you?
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:03am GMT

What fuels you? What fuels those around you? Most often we do things, without really thinking, about what gives us fuel. Where in this activity does my energy really come from? If it comes at all? It’s easy to think we get energy from an activity when we’re really just appreciating the feeling after compliments, … Continue reading What fuels you? What fuels those around you?
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Delayed Reward, Alternative Costs – Build your relationships for the long run if you seek to maximize what you get out of someone thats rarely relationship-building. thats transactions and might work in the short run but rarely in the long run. (this isnt in the cast but when I’m writing this I’m thinking of “why … Continue reading Delayed Reward, Alternative Costs – Build your relationships for the long run

Listen to people but trust the numbers – Ensure you measure the right thing for others, not just whats easy to measure or makes you look good. Continous measurement makes you look trustworthy. Its easier to trust a currently bad number when you know you can trust the good ones too. Than seeing a good … Continue reading Listen to people but trust the numbers

Recruiting – when to say no, NO and when to say yes.   A quick cast about three thoughts on recruiting. I personally find this worth thinking about for recruiters AND anyone that wants more out of work. And I’m not talking just about more results out of work. Just my ideas – the important … Continue reading Recruiting – when to say no, NO and when to say yes

it’s not about you Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that everything isn’t about me. Sometimes people around you behave in ways that makes things difficult for you. Making it hard for you to “imagine positive intent” when you see the effect if has on your results. People didn’t start their activity aiming to ruin … Continue reading it’s not about you – focus on the behaviour you can change not the stuff you cant

Credentials Decay, Results last longer. Change is the only constant In todays modern world credentials isn’t what it used to be so its more important than ever to show your results. To quickly help others see what results you can help them archive by listing your accomplishments AND your ability to listen hard and change … Continue reading Credentials Decay, Results last longer. Change is the only constant

Give first individually, Listen first  – Relationship power comes later Schedule five minutes every day to just get to know the people around you. Listen hard to what they value and make a note of sharing anything you think might help them, might help them archive their dreams, their family.  Small or big.

Listening beyond what isn’t being said The most important thing in communication is listening for what isn’t being said according to Peter Drucker. Listen for the silence We all carry invisible baggage into our meetings. Those can both make it harder and easier to connect to someone. Words in the present conversations can take a … Continue reading Listening beyond what isn’t being said
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Commitment , Control &  Contribution and the speed of Trust Most of us was trained in compliance as a kid for countless of hours. Hours that could have been invested into training us to instead in seeking ways to contribute in our own unique way to help others and ourselves. Many of us has also … Continue reading Commitment , Control & Contribution and the speed of Trust

Envy and gratitude Envy is a human emotion that is easy to fall prey to. It can be harnessed to make you do  more, make you archive move but my experience it’s one of the more common paths to the dark side (sounds like I’m quoting Start Wars doesnt it?) Envy can easily cause splinters … Continue reading Envy and gratitude
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

What work really matters when you strip everything else away? What will live beyond you? This cast is about your inner question of what what is important to you beyond all that urgency, all that noise? its a powerful question and only you hold the answer
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Grit and Generosity I really believe Generosity is a great compass towards your success. Ask yourself where in your life, where you invest hard work in creating things, You still don’t you mind others carbon copy your work and using it to help other people. Of course we have to set boundaries to our time … Continue reading Grit and Generosity
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Let Go – one way to become free to invite the new What and where is your safe haven? Who would you invite there and why? How can you get more of that and share that with others?

Most things that matter to use on a deeper level lies beyond our own comfort zone. Accept your discomfort, and the feelings from it. Its OK. We all experience that. Then take a step to dare to look and act beyond those feelings and eventually that which was beyond you, is now your new normal.
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

If your job and results where a fantasy story. Would you do anything differently? – if so why, where and for whom?   Sometimes playing with our mind is a great way to open up thoughts that might linger beyond what we logically can access. Sometimes we mentally shield ourselves for allowing thinking certain thoughts … Continue reading if your job and results where a fantasy story – Would you do anything differently? – if so why, where and for whom?

Mirrors and actions beyond Reflection Your actions and attitude to others speak way more about you than your mirror’s reflection.   Its worth reflecting over that reflection. Sometimes I think most of us often try to catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror – wondering what others think of our appearance. Yet at the … Continue reading Mirrors and actions beyond Reflection
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Sometimes you encounter the dark side of helping people. Sometimes you invest your generosity into people who does the opposite back. How do you deal with it?
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Breathing – Cure of Stress and giver of Focus, Clarity and shape Breathing is a great cure for stress. Take four deep breaths and your worldview might change. Of course it won’t change the world. But your new mindset, clarity and actions on the new insight might. It might help you see things more clearly. … Continue reading Breathing – Cure of Stress and giver of Focus, Clarity and shape

Projecting yourself onto other people – beyond the effect you probably want Take a minute to think about your own patters. What do you usually notice about the world? What does that tell you about yourself and your values?   How would you like it to be? How can you help others change things that … Continue reading Projecting yourself onto other people – beyond the effect you probably want

Opportunity Stress We live in a world of abundance. You can do so much. One person can change (parts of) the world. This is a perspective of Alternative Cost, and just some thoughts on stress and fear of uncontrollability from the great book The Unthinkable – who survives when disaster strikes and why   … Continue reading Opportunity Stress
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00am GMT

Criticism is futile in driving change I’m re listening to “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie – I do that every 5th year or so. A great way to remind myself – and to pick up thing I wasn’t ready to notice a perspective on earlier in my life. I very … Continue reading Criticism is futile in driving change
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00am GMT

Life can be unexpected short – Show gratitude while you can. Life is change. People you take for granted might not be near you tomorrow. Due to health, change of job, friends moving out of town or anything might happen. Embrace reality while you have it. Take care of your body. Reality is brutal. Life … Continue reading Life can be unexpected short – Show gratitude while you can
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00am GMT

I am defined by my fears and strengths – by not limited to neither I think both our strengths AND your fears easily puts us in corners that we are not aware off. Embrace our fears – don’t try to push it away. likewise aim for not trying to be limited by it. Easier said … Continue reading I am defined by my fears and strengths – by not limited to neither

I (Ric) interviews John Lee Dumas from EntrepreneurOnFire on how to connect to raving fans, Leadership and getting results. We talked about “if you want to BE, DO!” and its ok not to be great when you start, if you keep doing, you will become better. We also talked some about generosity + the power … Continue reading interview with John Lee Dumas EntrepreneurOnFire
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

Learn to Learn new things – climbing example When learning new things – its easy to forget how much more power someone who is skilled can have than a beginner. its so easy to cling to what you think is effective instead of daring to try embracing the bigger way. Look for what is working … Continue reading Learn to Learn new things – climbing example
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 10:00pm GMT

Embrace tension, potential strength, Life and the longbow idea of requirements of change   Just some ramblings about comparing life to a longbow, tension to stress. all stress being inner stress. About becomming aware if that tension is healthy and when you should apply it, and when the tension is really robbing you and others … Continue reading Embrace tension, potential strength, Life and the longbow idea of requirements of change

Communicate on the level they want AND the level you need for effect. DiSC is one way to become more aware of your communication strengths and how they are perceived by others. And how you can adapt your style to those you talk to for a way better effect

Celebrating 100 episodes I’m giving away 3×10 Leadership Coaching Sessions + 30 kindle books and talking about Be Generous & Walk Your Talk. ..and some “be kind to yourself” when starting to drive change. it’s tough in the beginning but it gets easier as we keep showing up to do the work.   100 episodes already? … Continue reading 100 episodes – giving away 3×10 Leadership Coaching Sessions + 30 kindle books – Be Generous & Walk Your Talk

Stuck is just most often just a mindset “From where I am now I can’t see my way forward” – this talk is about why I love climbing and how much benefit I have had from my mindsets trained when climbing – in both relationship building as well in business Leaving a safe foothold always … Continue reading Stuck is just most often just a mindset

Neutral or criticize and its potential cost and rewards Some thoughts of the potential in all the people you meet and all the things they may create – and what your actions can behaviour can create or prevent from appearing if you are not thinking about it

The Power of Enthusiasm for others Enthusiasm is amazing.   It’s a great way to connect to other people. It’s a great source of insight and awareness. It’s a great fun way to be curious and take action. And it’s a great way to start most things.   Connect to your own Enthusiasm first – … Continue reading The Power of Enthusiasm for others Enthusiasm is amazing.

Selfishly Generous A lot of studies show that generosity really pays of in health. long life. opportunities. The list is long. What would make a difference for you? in summary: here is some encouragement for you to help others This cast is yet again about being generous to those around you, and for all kinds … Continue reading Selfishly Generous
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00am GMT

Tap into the larger conversation.   The one in yourself, the one in your organisation and the ones going on by your customers. Tap into that, align with it and you will find both a great connection and great energy for taking initiative for the better. For you and those around you. Listen for it … Continue reading Tap into the larger conversation
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:41am GMT

Listening Brands, Mini-Audience – always adapt your message to the individual to get the effect you want. The Power of Data might be shining most clearing when it comes to Marketing but its heading into HR and alot of other departments as well. Constant A/B testing will prove so many thesis and anti-thesis wrong (or … Continue reading Listening Brands: How Data is Rewriting the Rules of Branding
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:39am GMT

When to Create Commitment first – Compliance second Podcast Episode #93 Don’t limit yourself to get compliance from people. It might feel like you are connecting around compliance . It might feel secure and easy but you are losing out of what may be. For both yourself and for them. For both current and future … Continue reading When to Create Commitment first – Compliance second

Reflect over your time investments this year – What could you do differently?   Time is the one resouce you never get back. It cannot be managed, only tasks and results can be prioritized in how you invest your time. Thats why I believe that reflection of how we spend our time, and if we’re … Continue reading Reflect over your time investments this year – What could you do differently?

Be the change you want – Take action instead of just assuming how you think things “should” be   Be the change you want to see in the world – quote Ghandi (not Dalai Lama that I said in the cast, sorry) In this cast I talk about how easy we get stuck just “assuming” … Continue reading Be the change you want – instead of assuming how you think things “should” be
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:36am GMT

Un-awareness controls your options   Help yourself and others to awareness, insights and transform those to actions and awareness for those actions feedback. What you are unaware off controls your options. Examples: * Personal Trainer – she asks me to lift this heavy object, or to pull myself up a ledge. And then she observes … Continue reading Un-awareness controls your options
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:48am GMT

Trust – is in my humble opinion, everything in Relationship Power. Without it you have nothing. With it you both have a great, great help in most storms. So strong a thing – yet so brittle, so easily shattered in the beginner of a meeting. And in a team trust is absolutely essential for building … Continue reading Trust
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 6:19am GMT

Fragile Puzzle Parts of Life, relationships and results All of us are building multiple puzzles. Take a break to reflect on YOUR most important puzzle.   NOT ALL pieces are interchangeable. I’m for what manager tools always say. – Family First. If you break those sometime fragile puzzle bits you can’t replace them. Others you can. … Continue reading Fragile Puzzle Parts of Life, relationships and results
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 6:03am GMT

You might have noticed that I have Generosity as part of my intro and that its something I mention quite often. That’s of course because I find it some important. Today I want to encourage you to be generous to yourself. And I’m not talking about in a grab at the expense of others way. … Continue reading Generosity and its powers – helps yourself and others grow towards your potential
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 7:13am GMT

Recognizable You + lessons learned from Phil Pallen and Lauren Moore   You want people to be able to recognize your work as your work, and your clients to as well, recognize when something can’t be your work. Phil Pallen is a Brand Strategist who held a great talk at New Media Europe. I really … Continue reading Recognizable You + lessons learned from Phil Pallen and Lauren Moore
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 8:52am GMT

The Power of Positive and Negative Pessimistic Thinking. I believe we live in a “connection economy” like Seth Godin started saying many years ago and nothing kills a connection with someone like pessimism. Pessimism not only kills your own creativity also kills the creativity of those around you. Positive thinking wears off, negative thinking sticks … Continue reading The Power of Pessimistic Thinking
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 10:20am GMT

Dreams, Goalsettings, Plans and Life transformations Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and transform your life? Dreams rarely come true, but your goals can forever change your life.. You need to set goals in order turn your dreams into reality. Into your new normal Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change … Continue reading Dreams, Goalsettings, Plans and Life transformations
Direct download: Dreams_and_Goals_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:16am GMT

Work always include reporting status – even if your boss doesn’t specify it you will build a better relationship with most managers by repeatedly report status and progress. Both Good and Bad. Excellent news and no new status news. If you do this routinely you will build trust and a great relationship I recommend you … Continue reading log your work – be transparent on status – to yourself and others

Gratitude – share yours with others, let others share theirs in yours Allow yourself to feel your Gratidude for whatever it is. Why do you feel it? whats the smallest and biggest grain of it? Allow others to enjoy their own using your expressed gratitude.   if you are given a compliment. accept it. say thanks … Continue reading Gratitude – share yours with others, let others share theirs in yours
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:51am GMT

Leadership is about getting results  and why to get them for yourself and others – not becoming something else just because books or courses tell you to Anyone can become a great leader. There is not any specific “type” or checkboxes to fill in order to become it. there is of course cause and effect … Continue reading Leadership is about getting results and why to get them for yourself and others

Here are some novice thoughts (two simple points) on the power part in relationships and dating. I do not think I am the one to advice others on this, so I’m not really confortable with sharing this episode but friends tell me thats exacly why I should share it. I hope my newbie thoughts help … Continue reading The Power part in relationships and dating

Make it easy for OTHERS to take action, not just you. Pushing it out of your plate is not getting it done.  Its not the same thing as making progress. In this episode I talk about mini-small things to help others, and how it affects yourself too I the long run. I with share my … Continue reading Make it easy for the others to take action, not just you. Pushing it out of your plate is not getting it done.