Results & Relationships

What are you teaching whom right now?

Every moment is an open possibility for kindness to others and yourself,
for coaching
for committing yourself for those you care about
dont wait for the big thing
make the small moments matter, again and again.

Direct download: Kindness_moments_and_contracts_are_not_enough.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01am BST

Do you see what matters to those you serve or are you investing in your own illusions and biases?

What pieces have to exist in order for your strategy to work longterm?

What pieces might exist that you are not seeing and what are you doing to become aware?

What pieces does other need to see in order to get to where they are going?


We never see all the pieces that matter, but accepting there is more than we know helps. accepting the uncertainty of what we see and dont see helps free up alot

Direct download: Seeing-The-Pieces.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm BST

Direct download: Blindness_staying_open_testing_thesis_real_learning1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm BST

just a long list of questions to make our heart and mind rest while looking within and beyond

Direct download: list_of_questions_and_food_for_thought.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:56pm BST