Mon, 27 June 2016
Envy and gratitude Envy is a human emotion that is easy to fall prey to. It can be harnessed to make you do more, make you archive move but my experience it’s one of the more common paths to the dark side (sounds like I’m quoting Start Wars doesnt it?) Envy can easily cause splinters … Continue reading Envy and gratitude
Direct download: Envy_and_Gratitude_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 20 June 2016
What work really matters when you strip everything else away? What will live beyond you? This cast is about your inner question of what what is important to you beyond all that urgency, all that noise? its a powerful question and only you hold the answer
Direct download: What_Work_Matters_beyond_you_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 13 June 2016
Grit and Generosity I really believe Generosity is a great compass towards your success. Ask yourself where in your life, where you invest hard work in creating things, You still don’t you mind others carbon copy your work and using it to help other people. Of course we have to set boundaries to our time … Continue reading Grit and Generosity
Direct download: Grit_and_Generosity_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 6 June 2016
Let Go – one way to become free to invite the new What and where is your safe haven? Who would you invite there and why? How can you get more of that and share that with others?
Direct download: Let_Go_to_become_free_to_invite_the_new_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:09pm GMT |