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Barbara Oakley and I converse about Critical Thinking and Learning - recorded for those it might help.

Barbara is the creator of Uncommon Sense Teaching, Learn Like a Pro, Learning How to Learn, and many other courses, books, talks, and business presentations.

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Books mentioned in this conversation

The article mentioned Curiosity’s different stances.

General interest curiosity, Deprivation curiosity (Barb also said something new to me. predatory curiosity)

Explores the significance of understanding probability in decision-making, drawing on personal experiences with computer games like Stellaris, board games and roleplay games.

Combining this with YOUR perspective. What did you remove? What do you add? What you choose and not.

Direct download: Probability__Your_perspective.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm GMT

IF you're doing work that is meaningful and worth it you will be tired.
Don't wait until you're not. Embrace it as part of the work.
Embrace doing it early. Put it into the hands of someone who cares about it EARLY; don't wait until you're fully done or have figured it out. Do the hard part early and then EARLY put it into the hands of those who care so they help you pull it forward, feedback early before you waste time and others effort and attention on things you will cut once you understand the constraints better.

Direct download: Do_it_tired_do_it_early.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm GMT