Results & Relationships
Are you sure you’re in a ride heading where you want to be? Is it time to get a better one? is it time to pick up others and help them get to where they want to be too? Are you in a ride that’s leaking energy or giving it? Have the driver landed rockets … Continue reading Your Vehicles, your results, your relationships

Illusions about having time Illusions about time, smoke and mirrors we do to ourselves In this episode I share some thoughts about time You might also want to take a look on this talk on youtube Before You Waste Time – WATCH THIS | by Jay Shetty 2018-05-08
Direct download: illusions7time.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT

You matter. You Belong. Be[come] Remarkable It’s up to you to think thru WHO you want to belong with. Not making that choice will make you belong somewhere, regardless. Others depend on you making a choice that matters for both of you. Sometimes it helps us to make that choice by using another work. Being … Continue reading You matter You belong. Be Remarkable

Inciting Action is often better than all the data and insights in the world For perhaps 20 years I was fooled by the lure of big data, business intelligence and ”forknowing” stuff. What I learned, eventually, however slow I was is that although insight is important. And data is important, especially in our current, algorithm … Continue reading Inciting Action is often better than all the data and insights in the world