Sun, 28 July 2019
ARE you generous towards yourself?
Direct download: Being_Generous_Towards_yourself_auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm GMT |
Sun, 21 July 2019
Do you know your Oasis? Do you know where you regenerate? Where you get energy, insight and encouragement from? Its more often a WHO than a place. Are you investing energy finding people who get you, Or investing energy adapting to people who don’t?
Only YOU know "your" place Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise |
Sun, 14 July 2019
Direct download: WHO_do_you_want_to_teach_WHAT.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00pm GMT |
Sun, 7 July 2019
The Mindset of learning, of letting go, of moving forward. I've learned as much as I can from. Thank you I will now move forward. Gratitude and let go.
Direct download: The_Mindset_of_learning_of_letting_go_of_moving_forward.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 5:00pm GMT |