Mon, 26 September 2016
Seek to invest most of your time with Grateful Action takers You’re really the average of the five people you spend the most time. Who you spend your time with is one of the most important decisions to keep up with in your life. Your time is the only resouce you cant get more … Continue reading Seek to invest most of your time with Grateful Action takers
Direct download: Seek_to_invest_most_time_with_Grateful_actiontakers_mixdown.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 19 September 2016
Embraceing your Potential consists of a lot of things, below is just a few of them. I personally dont think it matters where you start though, as long as you start thinking about it, start acting to become it. This cast is dedicated to exploring your potential from these angles. Imagination is often the … Continue reading Embraceing your Potential
Direct download: Embracing_your_Potential_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 12 September 2016
Own your results – own your communication often talk about “communication is what the listener does”. So what does this mean for you? For me it means that if I dont get the behaviour or effect I want there is NO point in ever saying “I’ve told you before”. If I’m not getting what … Continue reading Own your results – own your communication
Direct download: own-your-results-own-your-communication-skills_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 5 September 2016
Refueling others Where does your fuel and generator of energy align with those around you? What does those around you get fuel from and how can you help them get more of it without it costing others? is that energy constantly renewing or does it drain out for you or those around you?
Direct download: refueling_others_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:03am GMT |