Sun, 25 August 2019
Direct download: waking_up_gratefulcommit_making_YOU_and_those_around_you_grateful.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm GMT |
Sun, 18 August 2019
Direct download: Teaching_the_Test_KPIs_and_learning_beyond_the_numbers_Auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm GMT |
Mon, 12 August 2019
Please dont wait Please listen to the resistance, and the feelings that get in the way for teaching others what you know - then find a way to do it anyway. Also remind yourself of others calendar-time. often we intend to give generously but time catches up with us and without intending to we could have given no help + time to people instead of sending them early and with faults, we hoped to fix it before sending them yet other priorities got in the way and we're still sending them as it was before anyway. Dare to share and teach earlier, faster, more often. You already know enough to give. today. Again and again. |
Sun, 4 August 2019
Experimenting with things that might work but are not guaranteed to work takes a lot of emotional work. Separating the work from our self-identity. Allowing our “self-esteem” the hit of failure, when we all wish to make it. |
Sun, 4 August 2019
I've spoken about Digital Twins multiple times over the years but it’s worth a reminder on how it will affect your relationships and effectiveness