Results & Relationships
Set things Right – whats better than right? it’s easy to forget that what’s right most often is a matter of worldview. Ensure to separate facts, observations and measurements from labels Both are needed to do better that lasts. We need to figure our own values, “our definition of right” before enrolling others towards change, … Continue reading Setting things right – whats better than right?
Direct download: Setting_things_right2_auphonic.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Act as if – Do, measure, evaluate, experiment Failure, might not work as part of your identity, where it’s easier to learn from failure. not fake it to you make it – where it’s really hard to emotionally handle failure Most really successful people did not make ONE plan and that worked out most tried … Continue reading Act as if
Direct download: Act_as_if_exported_Auphonic.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

How well are you tending to yours? How aware are you that they’re at the helm of everything you do, and everyone you meet. What do you expect to see on the other side of your effort? How often are you right? Dont expect anything to happen differently without you doing differently. Dont expect things … Continue reading Expectations are the fuel and engine of perceptions
Direct download: Expectations_are_fuel_and_engine_to_perceptions_Auphonic.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT

Its easy to forget when a decision is actually made. When we’re stuck fighting the system of not embracing a YES fully, or not setting a clear and strong boundary, aka said NO to something when it mattered more, than when we’re standing knee-deep into it. How can you help yourself trace back when a … Continue reading Decision traceback – delayed feedback and results, learn to embrace yes or no when it matters