Mon, 29 May 2017
My weird honors your weird The bell curve has changed thanks to the internet, the connection economy and “near instant access” to most things. It’s easier than ever before to make an impact, to help people beyond the horizon. When I grew up we all tried to conform to the same norm. Marketing was loud … Continue reading My weird honours your weird
Direct download: My_Weird_honors_your_weird_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 22 May 2017
Take your positions – Who do you want to help and why? There is a reason why the instructions tell you to put on the air mask on yourself FIRST: Before helping your kid, friend or co-worker. Without Air, you will quickly forget the long-term priorities, and you can make things worse while you’re unable … Continue reading Take your positions – Who do you want to help and why?
Direct download: Take_your_position_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:03am GMT |
Mon, 15 May 2017
Tension, Empathy & Sympathy – Responsibility from different perspectives Empathy. Seeing the perspective of others. Walking in someone else’s shoes. Dare to face the unknown of the minds of those around you. Dare to embrace that they might think you’re wrong. They might be right, and you’re not. Embracing that you’re having an impact on … Continue reading Tension, Empathy & Sympathy – Responsibility from different perspectives
Direct download: Empathy_Sympathy_Responsibility_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 8 May 2017
Exciting times – What’s exciting for you might not be exciting for someone else We’re living in exciting times. I’m sure every generation before me has said the same words, felt the same. What I’m thinking on right now specifically is the instant auto feedback we’ve got available for becoming better. Live feedback in our … Continue reading Exciting times – What’s exciting for you might not be exciting for someone else
Direct download: Exiting_times_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 1 May 2017
Why are you doing this? Why High Standards help you – Why Commitment increase attention Quite often I get the question “why do you do this?” Some talk about “why the commitment on consistency” others “why for free when you have people who are thankful for the opportunity to pay you for your knowledge … Continue reading Why are you doing this? Why High Standards help you – Why Commitment increase attention
Direct download: The_Why-Beyond_the_doing_Why_are_you_doing_this.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |