Mon, 24 September 2018
“You can’t do big things if you are distracted by small things.” -Unknown Distraction is just as powerful and as dangerous today as it was thousands of years ago. It takes a new form and is now present in the very thing that we need in our daily lives: technology. Author Nir Eyal writes about … Continue reading indistractable
Direct download: indistractable_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 17 September 2018
Work Ethic and Grit works for everyone. Better than waiting for talent So what are you waiting for? WHO is worthy of your best hard work? Even when no-one is watching but yourself?
Direct download: Hard_WorkEthic_Grit_is_more_important_than_Talent_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 10 September 2018
Emotional Work, Hard Work, Long Slow Grind Work – don’t underestimate the important of what you learn in the slow grind Few things in life are the insta-win you see in media. Most of those media show you has been standing on the same position service others for long years before sky-rocketing and getting noticed … Continue reading Emotional Work: Don’t underestimate the important of what you learn in the slow grind
Direct download: Emotional_Work_Dont_understimate_long_work_its_not_ALL_hard_work_big_impact.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 3 September 2018
5 Friendships You Have To Make: You become the company you keep Think of the five people closest to you–the ones you spend most of your time with, your confidants, peers, family, and org mates. What is their influence in your life? Do they share your fire? Are they as ambitious as you? What are … Continue reading 5 Friendships You Have To Make: You become the company you keep
Direct download: You_become_the_company_you_keep-Weaving_your_life_step_by_step.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00pm GMT |