Mon, 30 October 2017
The gap between ambition and effort-level. If there is a gap they become disconnected and thus not feeding each other energy. This can sound something along these lines, but I’m sure you have heard countless others just like it. “I want to be a star at X, I’m just waiting for the next idol program … Continue reading The gap between ambition and effort-level
Direct download: Effortlevel_and_Ambition_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:00am GMT |
Mon, 23 October 2017
Choosing Your Manager, Clients, Students, Customers – basically who you want to serve and why I tap again on the theme, you are the company you choose. And I want to highlight “your manager.” Who are the people you’re serving? If you are going to ask yourself right now, is he or she helping you … Continue reading Choosing Your Manager, Clients, Students, Customers – basically who you want to serve and why
Direct download: Choosing_Your_Manager_Clients_Students_Customers_RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 16 October 2017
Your time mostly comes from your actions You are your own source more than anyone else. Don’t blame others for where you are. Step up to the responsibility of being you, or at least closer to it right now. You become the company you keep. Ask yourself. Those you invest most time with do … Continue reading Your time mostly comes from your actions
Direct download: Your_Time_mostly_comes_from_your_actions2RelationshipPowerAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 9 October 2017
Bimodal organisation Development & Digital Transformation still require a People First mindset How BiModal are your organisation percentage wise? How much do you “experiment” to learn a better new normal? How well do you know your people so you know who wants to embrace the mode 1 or our organisation and the mode 2. You … Continue reading Bimodal organisation Development & Digital Transformation still require a People First mindset
Direct download: Bimodal_Organisation_DevelopmentDigital_TransformationPeople_First_mindset_PeopleResultAtWork.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |
Mon, 2 October 2017
Deflecting – Connect or Disconnect, dont deflect Some thoughts on inner and outer deflections and what this does to your ability to connect. Acknowledge the beam of positive energy sent to you. Dare to look into the face of your scary monsters, doubt or shame and you’ll find new ways to get the important job … Continue reading Deflecting – Connect or Disconnect, dont deflect
Direct download: Deflecting_Connect_or_Disconnect-dont-deflect_RelationshipPowerAtWork2.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am GMT |